
  1. Nytrøen , Kari
  2. Rolid , Katrine


High-intensity interval training has gained prominence as an effective exercise intervention for recipients of HTx, demonstrated by an accumulation of performed studies in the past decade, although implementation in clinical practice remains limited. Early restrictions on HIIT in HTx recipients lacked evidence-based support, and recent research challenges these previous restrictions. High-intensity interval training results in greater improvements and benefits compared with moderate-intensity continuous training in the majority of studies. While HIIT is now regarded as generally suitable on a group level, individual assessment is still advised. The impact of HIIT involves reinnervation and central and peripheral adaptations to exercise, with variations in recipent responses, especially between de novo and maintenance recipients, and also between younger and older recipients. Long-term effects and mechanisms behind the HIIT effect warrant further investigation, as well as a focus on optimized HIIT protocols and exercise benefits.