Nursing Journals – Featured Journal

Twice each month, we feature a nursing journal from the more than 60 nursing journals available on our site.

Many of our Featured Journals include continuing education activities, special features, recurring departments, patient education tools, and more. We invite you to check back often to take advantage of our Featured Journal/

The current Featured Journals are…


Current Issue: Featured online until 5/15/24

Featured Journal Cover


One of the top journals for professional nurses, Nursing2024 is tailored for those who care for patients in various settings: hospitals, patient homes, long-term care facilities, and outpatient clinics to name a few. Every month, it offers a range of compelling clinical and nonclinical articles presented in a readable, no-nonsense style. Featured topics reflect what nurses need to know to stay current: the latest information on core clinical topics (such as cardiac and respiratory care, drug updates, new treatments and nursing techniques), legal and ethical issues, and professional trends. Ample use of illustrations, charts, and other graphics clarify complex clinical concepts. Slice-of-life narratives written by real nurses about their most memorable professional experiences remain a hallmark of Nursing2024. The comprehensive department lineup also reflects Nursing2024's commitment to balancing clinical, professional, and human-interest topics--for example, regular departments include Medication Errors, Advice p.r.n., Ethical Problems, Legal Questions, Clinical Dos and Don'ts, Sharing, and Tips and Timesavers. Every issue of Nursing2024 is a complete package addressing the range of skills and knowledge that today's busy professional nurse needs to give excellent patient care.


American Journal of Nursing (AJN)

Current Issue: Featured online until 5/15/24

Featured Journal Cover


The American Journal of Nursing (AJN), the oldest and largest nursing journal in the world, is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, monthly journal publishing a broad range of highly readable articles. With coverage of evidence-based clinical practice and incisive news analysis, trenchant commentary and original research, heart-felt reflection and hands-on nursing, AJN is the profession’s premier journal.

AJN's authors synthesize research, discussing its practical application in all settings in which nurses work. In addition, each issue features two or more articles that allow readers to obtain continuing education credit. AJN provides a vehicle for inquiry into important policies and professional issues, while offering a global perspective on nursing.

AJN's audience encompasses a cross section of nurses, as well as other health care professionals, journalists, and patients. The journal has received awards from Folio, the Association for Women in Communications, and the American Academy of Nursing, among others.

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