
  1. Morse, Shannon MS, ARNP
  2. Groer, Maureen PhD, RN
  3. Shelton, Melissa M. PhD, RN
  4. Maguire, Denise PhD, RN, CNL
  5. Ashmeade, Terri MD


The revised version of the Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP-II) has been used across all birth weights and gestational ages to measure the concept of severity of illness in critically ill neonates. The SNAP-II has been operationalized in various ways across research studies. This systematic review seeks to synthesize the available research regarding the utility of this instrument, specifically on the utility of measuring severity of illness sequentially and at later time points. A systematic review was performed and identified 35 research articles that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. The majority of the studies used the SNAP-II instrument as a measure of initial severity of illness on the first day of life. Six studies utilized the SNAP-II instrument to measure severity of illness at later time points and only 2 studies utilized the instrument to prospectively measure severity of illness. Evidence to support the use of the SNAP-II at later time points and prospectively is lacking and more evidence is needed.