
  1. Ellis, Rebecca PhD
  2. Cress, M. Elaine PhD
  3. Wood, Robert H. PhD
  4. Schenkman, Margaret PT, PhD, FAPTA


Purpose: To examine the association between activity and physical participation in older adults with Parkinson's disease (PD) and those without PD.


Methods: Participants were 190 volunteers with PD (n = 74) and without PD (n = 116) between 50 and 94 years. They completed the Continuous Scale Physical Functional Performance 10-item test and the Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors physical activity questionnaire for older adults as measures of activity and participation, respectively.


Conclusions: Associations between participation and activity were small to moderate for adults with PD and small for those without PD. Participants with PD also had significantly lower activity scores than participants without PD. Older adults with PD are more limited in activity and are approaching a point where activity limitations also constrain participation.