
  1. Abood, Sheila A. MS, RN
  2. Kay, Margaret
  3. Trossman, Susan RN

Article Content

On September 22 ANA representatives joined House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), along with other House Democrats in releasing "New Partnership for America's Future," which Pelosi characterizes as a reaffirmation of "the commitment of House Democrats to these six core values for a strong and secure middle class: national security, prosperity, fairness, opportunity, community, and accountability."


One of the central themes of this new partnership is a dedication to securing affordable health care for all Americans. Under the category of "fairness," the House Democrats have committed to, among other things,


* ensuring that every child has health care coverage.


* making health care affordable for every American.


* providing tax incentives to assist employers in offering affordable health insurance to all employees.


* guaranteeing a prescription drug benefit under Medicare.


* eliminating disparities in health care for all races and ethnicities.


* assisting families and individuals in coping with the care and cost of AIDS, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, and other chronic illnesses.


* improving the health of rural Americans through expanded regional medical services.


* expanding training of medical personnel and medical facilities to serve all communities.



The ANA supports Pelosi, her fellow Democrats, and all legislators who are committed to ensuring accessible, quality health care. The ANA has worked with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to further legislation that would provide much-needed mental health services for the elderly and financial relief for families taking care of those with Alzheimer disease and other chronic illnesses (see Politics of Caring, September).