
  1. Quattrin, Rosanna MD, DPMSC
  2. Zanini, Antonietta MD
  3. Bulfone, Giampiera MD
  4. Medves, Antonella
  5. Panariti, Mateo MD, DPMSC
  6. Brusaferro, Silvio MD, DPMSC


The focus of this article is an examination of the clinical guides' views and their role in student nurses' learning. The descriptive survey was conducted in July-September 2006. The sample was composed of 120 clinical guides who answered a questionnaire regarding the last student nurses' clinical practice experience during 2006. Clinical guides are nurses working in the wards who are available to supervise the clinical practice of nursing students, similar to preceptors in the United States. Clinical guides used different teaching strategies to stimulate students in various activities. The study revealed that the role of clinical guide is very important for the students as they develop into professional nurses.