
  1. Buchholz, LuAnn RN, CPSN

Article Content

By the time you get this issue of Plastic Surgical Nursing, the 2010 Scientific Session Symposium will be only weeks away. It is not very often that ASPSN (American Society of Plastic Surgical Nurses) gets to travel to another country for its national convention. Think about it. That is really a unique situation!! How exciting will be to travel to Toronto, Canada, in October to take in the cosmopolitan flare it has to offer!! Toronto is the cultural, entertainment, and financial capital of Canada. It is the second largest country in the world. After all, we both are occupying North America, and 90% of Canadians live within 64 miles of the U.S. borders. I would say we are pretty close.

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Once again, the Scientific Session Planning Committee has planned a wide variety of educational offerings for attendees. We will reach whatever your interests in plastic surgery are and also encourage you to go out of your comfort zone to learn something entirely different. In addition to our general sessions, you will find the popular tracts of aesthetic, reconstructive, and management topics. I strongly suggest you to attend the roundtables, as this is the perfect way to start networking in Toronto. These present great interactive time with peers on specific topics. Be sure to visit the poster presentations, which are another valuable learning tool.


I hope I have excited you about traveling to Toronto in October. Take time to enjoy not only the meeting but also what this city has to offer. So, whether you dust off your passport or apply for your first, I will see you there!!


ASPSN President 2010


LuAnn Buchholz, RN, CPSN