
  1. Murph, Pam LCSW


Case Study:Jane is a 50-year-old single mother of a 13-year-old son. She has been fighting colon cancer for over 2 years. She has been through two recurrences with metastatic disease and was recently informed that she has progression once again and curative treatment options are limited. Her progressive treatment approach has resulted in a long list of side effects and the inability to work during the last year. She is concerned about balancing treatment with quality of life. She does not have any family locally, but does have a good support system among her friends and church community. Concerns-finances and monthly obligations, maintaining normalcy with her child, making long-term-care arrangements, and the long-term impact on her child. What are the psychosocial issues in this situation and their impact? How likely is she to adapt to her cancer diagnosis? What are the common reactions and issues to expect as she progresses through this? How can home care help in this situation? How can the home care clinician effectively work with this case and other persons with cancer and their families?