
  1. Pridham, Karen PhD, RN, FAAN
  2. Harrison, Tondi PhD, RN
  3. Krolikowski, Mary MSN, RN
  4. Bathum, Mary Elizabeth PhD, RN
  5. Ayres, Lioness PhD, RN
  6. Winters, Jill PhD, RN


Drawing on attachment-caregiving theory, we interviewed parents of 24 infants with a complex congenital heart defect (CCHD) about parenting motivations through the first year. Using directed content analysis, 8 categories of motivations, focused either on the baby, the parent-infant relationship, family, self, or tasks were identified at 1, 4 or 6, and 12 months. A matrix of motivations by parent showed family and infant age variations. Motivations illustrated for 5 parents at 1 month suggest that specification of expectations and intentions and clustering of motivations mentioned by a parent would advance study of linkages of parenting internal working models with parenting action.