
  1. Unruh, Lynn PhD, RN
  2. Agrawal, Manisha MPH, MBBS
  3. Hassmiller, Susan PhD, RN, FAAN


It is believed that Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) has improved nursing care and nurses' satisfaction. Yet there may also be financial benefits to TCAB. This study estimates the net benefits of implementing TCAB by using data from the original 10 TCAB hospitals. The analysis indicates that, on an average, TCAB units had fewer patient falls with harm and less RN turnover and overtime compared with other hospitals in the United States. Financial benefits calculated from these outcomes were $847 861 per unit from 2004 to 2007. Estimates of costs of TCAB averaged $222 258 per unit. The net benefit per unit was $625 603.