
  1. Shah, Akta MPT, MTC

Article Content

Age Perfected Pilates. Donna Gambino. Minneapolis, MN: OPTP Publishers; 2007. Soft cover, 103 pp, $27.95.


Age Perfected Pilates provides a comprehensive selection of exercises to improve strength and flexibility and address the postural problems that commonly affect most people as they age. The author, Donna Gambino, has 20 years experience as a physical therapist and has used that experience to design these exercises. The exercises target muscle groups that are affected by negative postural changes. She uses basic equipment in order to ensure the exercises are performed correctly. She also has based these exercises on Pilates principles invented by Joseph H. Pilates 70 years ago. His exercises were developed to improve flexibility and strength with a special emphasis on strengthening the core postural muscles.


The initial chapters of the book spend a great deal of time reviewing basic principles of exercise and posture in order to make certain the exercises are performed correctly and safely. The reader is able to gain in-depth knowledge of the effects of poor posture, develop an awareness of how poor posture is displayed, and tools to correct poor posture. Donna Gambino also provides a position guide where she has pictures of incorrect and correct positions in both sitting and supine for the reader to reference when performing the exercises.


Each exercise has multiple pictures that take the reader through the movement in a step wise fashion. In addition, most of the exercises have side notes which help the reader gain a better understanding of the movement. The effort level for each exercise is defined so that the reader can pick and choose which exercises are appropriate for her fitness level. At the end of the book, Donna Gambino has provided a chair workout which can be used by readers who may not be comfortable lying supine or prone. The chair workout is comprehensive and focuses on the same muscle groups that the mat program emphasizes.


Overall, Age Perfected Pilates provides an outstanding group of exercises that can be performed in one's living room. The exercises focus on improving posture and retaining core strength both of which are necessary for good musculoskeletal health. In addition, the book is detailed in order to ensure that the reader performs the exercises safely and correctly. This patient education book is appropriate for the general population. According to the book, patients with osteoporosis, arthritis, or any other pre-existing medical condition should consult with a MD prior to beginning the exercise program. No references were cited in the book.