
  1. Li, Goh Mien MHlthSc(Edun), BHSc(N), Adv Dip Nsg(Ortho), RN


Problem: Graduated compression stockings (GCS) are commonly prescribed for surgical patients post-operatively in order to prevent deep vein thrombosis. The nurse's role and responsibility is to ensure that patients receive proper information and effective therapy in the nursing management of GCS.


Significance: Proper monitoring of patients with GCS reduces complications such as skin abrasions, redness, and impaired blood circulations. Good knowledge of GCS among patients would help to achieve compliance to the therapy.


Study design: This was a quality improvement study. A baseline and post-implementation audit was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the practice change.


Sampling method: This study was conducted in two surgical units in a 935-bed acute care tertiary hospital. Surgical Patients are required to wear GCS post-operation and were included in the study. Before wearing the GCS, they received information about the stockings.


Findings: The study revealed a lack of standard work process in the nursing management of patients wearing GCS. It was observed that nurses did not regularly monitor patients' neurovascular status or provide related patient education. An information leaflet about GCS was then developed in order to ensure that patients receive correct information.


Conclusion: The study was successful; 80% of the patients received an information leaflet about GCS since the audit. They also received regular monitoring when wearing GCS. The nurses provided patient education using the GCS information leaflet.