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Salt and Light

If sharing your faith is awkward, now there is an app for that! Here is a creative way to explain God's good news using your smartphone or tablet. Download The Big Story app, free at

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Find at your fingertips a contemporary, interactive gospel presentation created by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. College students love this new evangelism tool!

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Here is a summary of The Big Story: What's wrong with our world? Plenty! We all agree there is a need for change. As Christians, we believe the world was designed for good, but it has been badly damaged by humans. Only through Jesus Christ can it be restored for the better. He sends out his people to bring hope and healing to a damaged world. Will you join God's great mission of restoration and change that lasts?


Download The Big Story app and see how easy it is to explain the essence of Christian faith. A tutorial is included to get you started. Free on iOS and Android.

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NCF Member Took Kit

If you went into nursing to serve God and love people, then join Nurses Christian Fellowship!

Nurses Christian Fellowship is both a professional organization and a ministry for nurses, nursing students, and educators. Join a network that explores and integrates Christian faith and nursing practice to bring God's love and healing to nursing and healthcare.

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* Become a member and receive the Journal of Christian Nursing (print, online, smartphone, iPad); significant CE discounts; Charting the Way, a compact monthly e-newsletter with information for Christian nursing professionals; and tap into quality NCF resources, Bible studies, and other materials.


* Find out more about NCF membership and join our mission to students, nurses, and educators at


* Member Tip: NCF members can purchase back print issues of JCN for only $6.50 an issue. Complete your journal set today! Order from LWW Member Services at 866-489-0443 or mailto:[email protected]-will need your member ID. Concerned about your NCF membership? Contact mailto:[email protected].




Take a close look at our logo for Nurses Christian Fellowship, and you'll see what we care about most. The four blue hearts symbolize our four loves:


* Love for God


* Love for God's Word


* Love for God's people


* Love for God's purposes



These loves are covered by the cross of Jesus Christ. The tips of the cross point outward, expressing the outward mission of NCF to reflect the love of God as we serve those around us.


So, NCF members, do you sometimes wear the pin you received when you joined NCF? Remember what it represents and use it as a natural opportunity to share about NCF and your faith.


If you are not a member of NCF, join a professional network of nurses that supports you-and your faith! Become a member of NCF today-and get your pin. Let's share the love!

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Learn more about NCF membership at


On Campus

Fall semester is underway and nursing students have new opportunities to invite their friends into a faith journey with Jesus.

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NCF chapter activities, Bible studies, and outreach events are more than just meetings. When students gather, they intentionally explore what the life of a disciple of Jesus looks like in real time. And they invite others to join them in this process of God's transformation.


In the busy and often overwhelming pace of nursing school, NCF students integrate the words of Jesus who said, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29).

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Rest?In nursing school? Jesus the Good Shepherd beckons stressed nursing students, like sheep, to lie down in green pastures and drink beside pools of quiet waters (Psalm 23). He is the great Soul-Restorer. That's good news, and worth sharing.


Please pray for the nearly 100 student chapters of Nurses Christian Fellowship meeting this fall, and for more chapters to develop on new campuses. The students, leaders, and faculty advisors are building new relationships and welcoming others in their schools into a deeper relationship with God.


These formative years will lay the foundation for the next generation of nurses. We are investing in the future of healthcare through NCF ministry on campus. Partner with us in ministry to nursing schools at


JCN Problems?

NCF members who need help with their JCN print subscription or online account should contact LWW Member Services at 866-489-0443 or mailto:[email protected].


Spotlight On...

Rachel Phelps, NCF Campus Volunteer

Meet Rachel Phelps, a Campus Volunteer with Nurses Christian Fellowship. Rachel equips nursing students to follow Jesus at Lenoir Rhyne University (LRU) in North Carolina, where she is taking graduate studies in nursing administration. She also works full time as an RN in a cardiac care unit but loves to make time for ministry on campus.

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"I have a passion for nursing students to understand the importance of their relationship with God," Rachel said. "It's common to get so wrapped up in the demands of nursing school that God often gets pushed to the back burner."


Rachel graduated from Lenoir Rhyne University in 2013 and led the NCF Bible study and the growing InterVarsity chapter. She remembers the spiritual valleys she went through in nursing school. "God taught me so many lessons through those difficult times. I want students to know they serve an amazing God, and they can turn to him when it gets tough," Rachel said.


As a new nurse, Rachel is learning about the importance of spiritual care. "In my nursing unit I see death more frequently than I expected," Rachel reflects. She had one unforgettable encounter with a patient who had just delivered a baby and then had a serious heart procedure. Before the operation, Rachel offered to pray for the whole family in the room. They agreed and appreciated the care.


"I learned that it is appropriate to ask to pray with patients and their families because, in reality, it comforts them and they long for someone who cares," Rachel recalls. "I am now more comfortable talking with patients about spiritual issues."


Rachel hopes that more nursing students can discover their foundation in Jesus Christ so they can be more effective nurses when they graduate. She adds, "My desire as NCF staff is to help them along that Kingdom-building road."


For more information about joining NCF staff, go to

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