
  1. Trolli, Patricia BSN, RN, CGRN

Article Content

Esophageal Motility & pH Testing: Technique and Interpretation Castell, D. O., Diederich, L. L., Castell, J. A. (2000). Highland Ranch, CO: Sandhill Scientific, Inc; ISBN 0-9707102-0-8, Hardback/Spiralbound with jacket.


The 3rd edition of this comprehensive manual covers every aspect of esophageal testing. It is spiral bound, making it easy to use as a reference in the lab. There are numerous excellent tables, graphs, and illustrations throughout.


Dr. Castell is a leader in the field of esophageal testing. He and his colleagues have been involved in this area for over 30 years, and their research has set the standards followed by GI labs today. In his own words, the book is "an informative yet very practical laboratory reference resource." The contents are very well organized, beginning with a historical perspective and a discussion of appropriate applications for esophageal testing. The anatomy and physiology of the esophagus and its sphincters are reviewed in depth.


Equipment used for esophageal testing is also described and illustrated. Both types of systems used for esophageal motility testing, namely, water perfusion and solid state, are described and illustrated. In addition, the authors have made recommendations for required secondary equipment and supplies, patient preparation and teaching, and cleaning procedures, all helpful information for GI nurses and assistants.


The authors present a revised classification of esophageal motility abnormalities. Each disorder is presented in its own chapter with special emphasis on manometric findings. One chapter describes multichannel intraluminal impedence testing, an emerging technology which may be helpful in combination with pH measurement because it can detect gastroesophageal reflux at all pH levels.


Artifacts and troubleshooting are addressed in detail, and numerous helpful hints are shared with the reader.


The broad scope of material covered in this manual, ranging from patient preparation to interpretation of studies and guidelines for training in interpretation, makes it a useful guide for anyone involved in performing esophageal studies. While the information is too technical for the general public, GI nurses looking to familiarize themselves in this area of gastroenterology will find it easy to relate the material to their daily practice. GI lab managers should consider this book an encyclopedia of esophageal testing and a valuable reference book for their facility.