Article Content

Wanted: Authors for Continuing Education Articles

As you know, we publish a Clinical Management Extra article, which is a continuing education (CE) activity, in each issue of Advances in Skin & Wound Care. We are always seeking talented authors who have topics that would be appropriate for a CE article. These articles have a specific focus, so I'd like to offer some basic guidelines for our future CE authors.


For CE articles, it's important to include the following:


* A key element to CE articles is identifying a "gap in practice" to set up why your article is important. We want to demonstrate "what readers will learn from this article."


* Articles need to "teach" the reader and provide clinical information/instruction that can be used at the bedside.


* Include informative tables and/or figures when possible.


* If including photographs that show a clinician's hands, make sure the clinician is wearing appropriate sterile gloves.


* If discussing any products or devices, it is best to use generic names.


* We encourage references to be no more than 5 years old whenever possible, unless benchmark/historical data. We realize that it often does not always apply when referring to relevant studies. Using as many "newer" references as possible is preferred for CE articles.


* Please do not use endnotes in your article. Sequentially number the references in the text, with the corresponding reference list at the end of the article.


* Length of CE articles varies greatly, depending on the subject and supportive content, such as tables/figures/photographs. Preferred length is between 4500 and 6000 words.


* Include 5 or 6 brief, bulleted "takeaway" points at the end of the article, which are called Practice Pearls.



Because we plan our CE articles well in advance of publication, please e-mail me directly with any potential CE article proposals before submitting them for peer review: mailto:[email protected].


When ready to submit a manuscript, all submissions must be made using our electronic submission process: Information for authors is provided on the site. And for any authors who may need the assistance of language editing services, a number of resources are listed on our journal's website:


Send us your CE topic ideas!


Kathleen A. Greaves


Senior Managing Editor


Advances in Skin & Wound Care