
drug testing, opiates, substance abuse, urine



  1. Gabrovec, Branko PhD, MSc


Abstract: The objective of our research was to discover whether the new approach to urine drug testing has a positive effect on users' abstinence, users' treatment, and their cooperation, while remaining user-friendly, and whether this approach is more cost-effective. The centers are focused on providing high-quality treatment within a cost-efficient program. In this study, we focus on the influence of drug testing and benefit-based distribution of opioid substitution therapy (BBDOST) on drug abstinence. The purpose of this study was to find any possible positive effect of modified distribution of the therapy and illicit drug testing on the number of users who are abstinent from illicit drugs and users who are not abstinent from illicit drugs as well as the users' opinion on BBDOST and testing. We are also interested in a difference in abstinence rates between those on BBDOST and those not receiving BBDOST. In 2010, the method of drug testing at the center was changed (less frequent and random drug testing) to enable its users faster access to BBDOST (take-home therapy). It was found that the number of drug-abstinent program participants has increased from initial 44.5% (2010) to 54.1% (2014). According to the program participants, the new method allows them to achieve and maintain abstinence from drugs more easily. In addition, they are also satisfied with the modified way of drug testing. This opinion does not change with age, gender, and acquired benefits.