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PURPOSE: To provide information about mentoring in hospice and palliative care nursing.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES: After completing this continuing education activity, you should be able to:


1. Describe the need for mentoring in palliative care and the benefits and challenges of a mentoring relationship.


2. Explain the roles and responsibilities of mentors and mentees.


1. The experience of being aware of a moral responsibility but being prevented from acting on it is termed


a. burnout.


b. role confusion.


c. moral distress.


2. When nurses expend more compassionate energy than they are able to restore, they experience a negative state called


a. compassion fatigue.


b. ineffective coping.


c. restoration deficit.


3. Burnout is defined as an inability to cope with job stress that leads to feelings of


a. anxiety.


b. ineffectiveness.


c. anger.


4. Which of the following is a focus in a palliative care mentor-mentee relationship?


a. communication with patients


b. technical bedside nursing skills


c. timely provision of patient care


5. Mentoring is a reciprocal relationship between 1 experienced person and 1 novice that involves


a. skill refinement.


b. counseling and guiding.


c. documentation of competency.


6. A good mentor-mentee relationship is


a. casual and informal.


b. deliberate and intentional.


c. unstructured and open.


7. In the mentoring process, professional and personal growth occurs during


a. debriefing and reflecting.


b. initiation of independent actions.


c. the care planning process.


8. According to Shellenbarger and Robb (2016), mentoring in nursing has 2 major functions:


a. educational and problem solving.


b. personal and technical.


c. psychosocial and career.


9. Which of the following is an important quality in a mentor?


a. ability to provide feedback


b. having an advanced degree


c. excellent technical skills


10. When providing feedback, it is best to


a. give a simple response, for example, "good job."


b. identify strengths and provide constructive recommendations.


c. wait at least 24 hours after the experience to allow for reflection.


11. A "good mentee" is


a. inexperienced.


b. extroverted.


c. honest.


12. The study by Eller (2014) uncovered 8 themes important to the mentoring relationship, including


a. critical thinking.


b. passion and inspiration.


c. team building.


13. Within Eller's theme of independence and collaboration, the mentor can broaden the mentee's career opportunities by


a. supporting the mentees' goals, even when different from the mentors'.


b. demonstrating palliative nursing in action.


c. introducing the mentee to colleagues in the field.


14. The mentor/mentee relationship is guided by the ethical principles of


a. autonomy and fidelity.


b. beneficence and nonmaleficence.


c. totality and integrity.


15. Which is the best method for matching mentees with mentors?


a. nurse managers evaluating needs and strengths to assign pairs


b. random matching of individuals within the department


c. mentors and mentees seeking each other out


16. All of the following are barriers to successful mentoring except


a. inexperience of mentees.


b. failing to designate meeting times.


c. lack of recognition.


17. The best method of preparing nurses to be mentors is to provide


a. experience being a mentee.


b. on-the-job training.


c. leadership training and mentor preparation classes.


18. In order to avoid assuming the function of a preceptor, it is important that the mentor not be expected to take on the role of


a. educator.


b. coach.


c. evaluator.