
  1. Section Editor(s): Risser, Nancy MN, RN, C, ANP
  2. Murphy, Mary CPNP, PhD Literature Review Editors

Article Content

Youngblade LM, Carter C: Counseling parents on infant day care: How to do it effectively. Contemporary Pediatrics 2004; 21(8): 54-72.

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FIGURE. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFIGURE. No caption available.

Parents frequently turn to healthcare providers with questions about day care for their infant, but there are no simple, absolute answers. This article reviews four areas that should be discussed and the controversies within each area. Parents ask four questions: 1)should I go back to work? 2) how will my working affect my baby? 3) what kind of care is available? and 4) what do I look for in good care?


In 1993, Congress passed the Family Medical Leave Act, which grants unpaid leave with protected job security for parents of newborn and newly adopted children for up to 12 weeks. Multiple studies have looked at attachment issues, hours of employment, cognitive outcomes, social/emotional development and communicable illness in children in day care. Results vary from positive to negative outcomes on every issue. Providers should support parents in reviewing their philosophy, income needs, and career development to help them make the best decision for their family. Specific guidelines for parents plus the presentation of both sides of the issues make this a good article for parents and providers.