
barriers, focus groups, healthful eating, low-income adolescents



  1. Evans, Alexandra E. PhD, MPH
  2. Wilson, Dawn K. PhD
  3. Buck, Jacquelynn MPH
  4. Torbett, Heather MPH
  5. Williams, Joel MPH


To better understand outcome expectations, barriers, and strategies for healthful eating, 5 structured focus groups were conducted with adolescents from low-income families (n = 48; 83% Black students; 10-14 years old). The focus group questions dealt with healthful eating in different settings: home, school, and other eating establishments. Results suggested that healthful eating is important to this population, but perceived barriers prevent the consistent consumption of healthful foods. Strategies suggested by participants to increase healthful eating (eg, parents and schools making healthy foods that look and taste good more available) should be considered when developing nutrition interventions for adolescents from low-income families.