
  1. Cady, Rebecca F. RNC, BSN, JD, Attorney-at-Law, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Article Content

This issue continues our look at end-of-life issues in the healthcare setting. Our CEU feature examines data from 2 longitudinal studies regarding the prevalence of advanced directive documentation in the hospital medial records of the chronically critically ill and contains some interesting data and suggestions.

Figure. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. No caption available.

Our Ethics column in this issue examines the tensions that can arise when family members' attempts to carry out the wishes of their loved ones who are incapacitated clash with what may be in the patient's best interest and provides some important information for hospital staff in dealing with such situations to arrive at an ethically sound result while showing respect to the family.


We also have an excellent companion article exploring clinical responses to brain death which provides good information for clinicians in dealing with families during this difficult time at the end of a patient's life.


Our NCSBN column addresses the critical issue of nurse impostors. Given the nursing shortage and facilities' need for nursing staff, it is perhaps more important than ever that those involved in the hiring process be aware of this problem and its implications, and take note of the resources available to prevent your facility from hiring an impostor nurse.


We are in the process of compiling a special issue devoted to nurse-patient ratios and would be especially interested in receiving submissions from nurses in facilities where those ratios have been implemented. What has the impact been on staff morale, patient care, and safety? We would love to hear about your experiences with this hot button issue in healthcare. Author guidelines are at page 65 of this issue and can also be viewed online at