
  1. Alejandro, Josefina Inoturan DNP, RN

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My brother shared an experience from when he was about to undergo a medical procedure that made him feel very anxious. The nurse smiled at him as he was wheeled into the treatment room. He said the gesture assured him that everything would be all right.

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This made me reflect on the healing spirit of nursing, including a nurse's smile: It is special, particularly during the performance of our duties. Without a word, a reassuring smile can calm fears, quiet anxieties, and begin the recovery process.


The nursing profession bridges the gap between the travails of illness and the contentment of well-being. Nurses enlighten the inquiring minds of our patients with our specialized knowledge without overwhelming them with complex jargon. We practice the art of translating the reasons for our actions into words that can be easily understood by our patients. We aim to improve the lives of those we care for by teaching them ways to attain and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Nurses engage in lifelong learning in order to provide evidence-based care. We have distinguished ourselves as a profession that can offer our services with integrity, sometimes sacrificing our comfort for the sake of others. We allow ourselves to feel the pain of a mother whose child is critically ill, the anguish of families as they await the earthly departure of their loved one, or the delight of new parents as they prepare to bring their newborn home.


The healing spirit of nursing should also extend to our colleagues. Our concerns regarding patient care can bring additional stress as our jobs stretch the limits of our patience at times. Our goal should be to strive to work as a team in teaching, guiding, and helping each other, especially during moments of crisis. By promoting camaraderie in a healing environment, we can build an atmosphere of recovery and well-being.