
  1. Krasna, Heather PhD, MS, EdM
  2. Kulik, Phoebe K. G. MPH
  3. Karnik, Harshada PhD
  4. Leider, Jonathon P. PhD


Context: With $7.4 billion from the American Rescue Plan funding new hires in the public health workforce, health departments could benefit from well-written, accurate job descriptions and job postings/advertisements to attract candidates.


Program: We wrote accurate job descriptions for 24 jobs common in governmental public health settings.


Implementation: We searched the gray literature for existing templates of job descriptions, job task analyses, lists of competencies, or bodies of knowledge; synthesized several currently posted job descriptions per occupation; utilized the 2014 National Board of Public Health Examiners' job task analysis data; and gathered feedback from current public health professionals in each field. We then engaged a marketing specialist to change the job descriptions into advertisements.


Discussion: Several occupations examined did not have available job task analyses, while others had multiple. This project appears to be the first time that a list of existing job task analyses have been compiled together. Health departments have a special opportunity to replenish their workforce. Having evidence-based and vetted job descriptions that can be tailored for specific health departments' usage will accelerate their recruitment efforts and attract more qualified candidates.