
  1. Drake, Kirsten DNP, RN, NEA-BC, OCN

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Q I'm looking to advance my career and noticed a position posted for an Assistant Nurse Manager. I'm currently in a unit supervisor position. Should I apply? Would this be a good career move?

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It's great that you know you want to grow and continue in a leadership position. There are various ways to go about growing your career. First, there's a change in title, but there's more to career advancement than a title change. Although you may find a title change appealing, it would be wise to review the scope and responsibilities of the position. You may find that another organization uses a different title than your current organization, but the responsibilities are the same. I'd advise you to evaluate how you'd like to develop before changing positions and possibly organizations.


Professional resources

One of the easiest ways to expose yourself to growth opportunities is by joining a professional organization that focuses on leadership. And by join, I mean be an active member. You'll only get out of the organization what you put into it. The American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) provides a wealth of resources for nurse leaders. One such resource is the Nurse Leader Core Competencies.1 This framework for effective leadership was developed in 2022 using concepts from previous works. One of these works was AONL's Nurse Manager Competencies.2


I recommend using the Nurse Manager Competencies as a guide when planning your professional development and career goals. The framework is divided into three domains: The Science, The Art, and The Leader Within. Subsections within these domains identify needs for knowledge, skills, and abilities for nurse managers. Review this document and honestly evaluate your current level of competencies and what opportunities you may have. I'd use this as a reference when looking for your next position. Compare what your responsibilities are in your current role with what the other position could continue to add to your list of competencies.


Education and certification

Another way to advance your career is by increasing your knowledge base. This doesn't need to be a formal education program initially. Before enrolling into an advanced degree program, consider becoming certified. The Certified Nurse Manger and Leader certification, which is offered by AONL, and the Nurse Executive Certification, offered by the American Nurses Association, both test your leadership knowledge.


The bottom line

Let's circle back around to your question: Should you apply and would it be a good career move? If the position is offering more growth and required skills than what you're doing now, then it would be a good idea. If it doesn't require more responsibilities than your current role, but you think it will provide you with more opportunities, then it's also a good idea. Remember, career growth doesn't have to be associated with a title.




1. American Organization for Nursing Leadership. AONL Nurse Leader Core Competencies. 2022. [Context Link]


2. American Organization for Nursing Leadership. AONL Nurse Manager Competencies. 2015. [Context Link]