
  1. Guralnick, Michael J. PhD

Article Content

As our field continues to engage in the process of developing new models and curricula to meet the needs of young vulnerable children and their families, we often lose sight of the conditions under which these new techniques can be most effectively implemented. The many barriers to this model "uptake" are considered in this issue of Infants & Young Children(IYC, and some of the circumstances that can improve the fidelity of model applications are outlined. This is especially important as early interventions, including preventive interventions, become more complex. This is most evident in the description and evaluation of a program to prevent poor developmental outcomes for children prenatally exposed to cocaine as presented in this issue of IYC.


Two articles address the effects of advances in technology on early intervention for 2 entirely different domains. In one article, a summary is presented of the developmental outcomes of children born as a result of assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization. Although the vast majority of children develop optimally, increased vigilance is required as a consequence of multiple births and other factors.


In the other article, technological advances in information access as provided by the Internet are discussed. The cautions and benefits of this now well-utilized technology in relation to early intervention are considered in this timely article.


Two other articles in this issue address equally important topics. First, IYC considers a very complex topic with respect to how forms of thoughtful but restrictive parenting may be beneficial for children in Head Start experiencing highly stressful circumstances. Second, as part of IYC's international series, a program designed to prevent communication disorders for children in South Africa is presented, with special relevance to the role of speech--language pathologists. For a variety of reasons, children in South Africa are at especially high risk for these problems. This creative model is highly relevant to many countries and demonstrates the value of caregiver and community involvement.


Michael J. Guralnick, PhD


Editor, Infants & Young Children