
  1. Figueroa-Haas, Cynthia L. PhD, ARNP


Although not extensively researched, psychologic factors have attributed to the growing number of performed breast augmentation procedures. The American Society of Plastic Surgery (2003) reported a 293% increase in the cases of cosmetic surgery since 1997. The percent increase in breast augmentation procedures performed in 2003 was up 12 (280 procedures up to 401). As the number of women seeking breast augmentation surgery continues to rise, an increasing number of healthcare professionals are likely to be confronted with questions, concerns, and complications that often accompany the procedure. Consequently, it is important that healthcare providers comprehend the degree to which self-esteem and/or sexuality may affect their patients' outcomes. Healthcare professionals must ascertain specific nursing skills and attitudes while caring for the cosmetic surgical patient. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to gain an understanding of the changes that occur in the levels of self-esteem and sexuality following the breast augmentation. Test of the study hypotheses 1 through 4 failed to be rejected, thereby supporting significant positive relationships between the variables. Statistical analysis of Hypothesis 5 found positive significance between breast augmentation, self-esteem, and the demographic variables-educational level and history of previous cosmetic surgery.