
  1. Daugherty , Jill
  2. Waltzman , Dana
  3. Breiding , Matthew
  4. Peterson , Alexis
  5. Chen , Jufu
  6. Xu , Likang
  7. Womack , Lindsay S.
  8. DePadilla , Lara
  9. Watson , Kathleen
  10. Corrigan , John D.


The 2-tiered TBI case definition that was derived from this analysis can be used in future surveillance efforts to differentiate cases by certainty and from noncases for the purpose of reporting TBI prevalence and incidence estimates. The refined case definition can help researchers increase the confidence they have in reporting survey respondents' self-reported TBIs as well as provide them with the flexibility to report an expansive (probable + possible TBI) or more conservative (probable TBI only) estimate of TBI prevalence.