
computed tomography, foreign body, magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, ultrasound



  1. Shepherd, Matt MD
  2. Lee, Jonathan MD
  3. McGahon, Michele C. MD


Retained foreign bodies remain a significant cause of morbidity in soft tissue injuries evaluated in the emergency department. Retention of soft tissue foreign bodies can lead to infection, delayed wound healing, and damage to adjacent tissue structures. Their detection continues to present a dilemma to the emergency care provider, as the detection of these foreign bodies is limited by their composition and the imaging modalities available. In addition to the possible wound complications, failure to diagnose these soft tissue foreign bodies contributes to a significant number of emergency department malpractice claims. This article reviews the imaging modalities available and their strengths and weakness for use in the evaluation of retained soft tissue foreign bodies. In addition, this article reviews the appearance of foreign bodies of differing material by modality.