
  1. Macaulay, Margaret
  2. van den Heuvel, Eleanor
  3. Jowitt, Felicity
  4. Clarke-O'Neill, Sinead
  5. Kardas, Przemyslaw
  6. Blijham, Nienke
  7. Leander, Hakan
  8. Xu, Yu
  9. Fader, Mandy
  10. Cottenden, Alan


Purpose: This paper describes a project to develop and clinically evaluate a novel toileting device for women called the Non-Invasive Continence Management System (NICMS). The NICMS device is designed to provide an alternative toileting facility that overcomes problems some women experience when using conventional female urinals.


Design: A single product evaluation was completed; participants used the same device with 1 or 2 interface variants.


Subjects and Setting: Eighty women from 6 countries who were either mobile or wheelchair dependent evaluated the product over a 15-month period.


Results: The device was found to be useful in some circumstances for women and their caregivers.


Conclusion: Significant further development is required for it to work reliably and to provide an acceptable device in terms of reliability, size, weight, noise, and aesthetics.