
  1. Pulido, Pamela A.
  2. Hardwick, Mary E.
  3. Sandwell, Julie C.
  4. Colwell, Clifford W. Jr.


Evidence-based nursing practice provides the highest quality of patient care. In an orthopaedic setting, the study of outcomes across a patient population offers the ability to determine associations between the treatment regime and function, complication rates, patient satisfaction, and quality of life as evidence for practice. These associations give the orthopaedic nursing community valuable insight into patient results. An outcomes database can both assist nurses in assessing the results of their nursing interventions and in providing the basis for submitting papers to journals and scientific symposiums. These papers can provide information and education for establishment of an evidence-based nursing practice. This article describes the planning, development, and implementation of a comprehensive orthopaedic outcomes program including nursing intervention outcomes at one institution. We offer a step-by-step guide based on our experience for other institutions that plan to initiate an outcomes program with inclusion of nursing outcomes.