
  1. Buchholz, LuAnn RN, CPSN

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A funny thing happened on my way to becoming the immediate past president; the bylaws changed and I ended up with a second term as president. I'm grateful for the extra time to work on completing some initiatives that I started a year ago. Only in the last couple of months have my visions of collaborating with other organizations come to fruition. In May, I spoke with the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) leaders regarding continuance of the ASPSN presence at their Annual Aesthetic Meeting. I also was an invited guest at the ASPS summer board meeting in July where we further discussed ways in which to integrate educational opportunities and share sponsorship. To assume a leadership role is an awesome responsibility, yet so rewarding. I repeatedly read about how great leaders don't just lead; they bring out the best in everyone. This is a personal goal of mine-to bring out the best in myself and others for good of our society.

Figure. LuAnn Buchho... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. LuAnn Buchholz, RN, CPSN

One of my favorite "leadership" books was written by Mark Sanborn titled, "You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader." What I like most in this 128-page book is that it makes leadership appear simple. If you treat people kindly and respectfully, find their talents, and build on that, you are a leader. Most people are looking for a leader, not for a manager. Like the child's game, "Follow the Leader," people want to get in line with you. They don't want you to stand before them and tell them what to do. Guiding them to reach their potential is so powerful.


I challenge you to become the leader in your office, operating room, and clinic or wherever you want to make a difference. The ASPSN is looking for leaders for the future. Look in the mirror, I think it's you!!


LuAnn Buchholz, RN, CPSN


ASPSN President 2009