


Trigger Point Therapy in the Emergency Department

Patients with myofascial pain conditions or trigger point pain commonly present to the ED seeking therapeutic relief. Dr. Larry Mellick presents hard-hitting therapeutic interventions that rapidly and effectively relieve trigger points and their associated symptoms.
Source:  Emergency Medicine News
Article: Trigger Point Therapy in the Emergency Department


Overactivity in Chronic Pain

This study was designed to quantitatively investigate the association between opioid use and habitual overactivity over a 5-day period in a group of chronic pain patients.
Source:  PAIN
Article: The Relationship Between Overactivity and Opioid Use in Chronic Pain: A 5-Day Observational Study


Pain Assessment in Context

A state of the science review of the McGill pain questionnaire 40 years.
Source:  PAIN
Article: Pain Assessment In Context: A State of the Review of the McGill Pain Questionnaire 40 Years


Pain and the Global Burden of Disease

In this article, we summarise, interpret, and contextualise the key aspects of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 pertaining to pain, which was recently published in the Lancet. It comprises a comprehensive and extensive assessment of the global burden of disease down to country level.
Source:  PAIN
Article: Pain and the Global Burden of Disease




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