
  1. Shapiro , Lauren T.
  2. Valecillos , Adriana Valbuena
  3. McDade , Regina
  4. Rosa , Rossana M.
  5. Abbo , Lilian M.


Candida auris is a highly transmissible yeast that is capable of causing invasive and fatal infections, particularly among persons with underlying medical conditions. Its incidence is rising, especially among patients cared for in post-acute care facilities. Individuals colonized with the yeast may be cared for in inpatient rehabilitation settings, without heightened risk for invasive infection and/or transmission to others, as long as appropriate infection control measures are followed. This article reviews key information for rehabilitation nurses caring for persons with C. auris , including risk factors for infection, the need for contact precautions, appropriate disinfection practices for therapy and diagnostic equipment, and critical components of safe transitions in the care of these patients.