
andexanet alfa, apixaban, dabigatran, direct oral anticoagulants, edoxaban, fresh frozen plasma, idarucizumab, phytonadione, prothrombin complex concentrate, reversal agents, rivaroxaban, vitamin K, warfarin



  1. Griffiths, Carrie L. PharmD, BCCCP
  2. Vestal, Mark L.
  3. Livengood, Spencer J.
  4. Hicks, Samantha MSN, ACNP, CCRN


Abstract: For more than half a century, warfarin, a vitamin K antagonist, has been the anticoagulant of choice. However, direct oral anticoagulants are rapidly gaining in popularity, which poses the need for efficacious reversal agents. This review article summarizes the strategies and agents used to reverse oral anticoagulants.