
caregiving, care receiving, community-based care, heart failure, inotropic infusions, quality of life, technological caregiving



  1. Scott, Linda D. PhD, RN


This descriptive study investigated health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and caregiving/care receiving among 20 end-stage heart failure patients receiving community-based inotropic infusions and among their 18 family caregivers. The analysis revealed that care recipients perceived considerable impairment from their disease process and poor HRQOL despite the use of inotropic infusions. Perceived powerlessness was identified as a predictor of the recipients' mental health status, while caregiver esteem adversely affected recipient HRQOL. Although insufficient preparation to care and caregiving tasks significantly contributed to the negative aspects of care provision, the esteem and mental health of the caregiver significantly enhanced HRQOL among caregivers.