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In the article that appears on pages 244-252 in the September/October 2008 issue of the journal, the following text should have been attributed to Stanley and Cheek (Can J Occup Ther. 2003;79(1):51-59). This error is noted in the online version of the article, which is available at


Well-being is thus an important concept in the philosophy underpinning social support and the clinical practice on which it is built. It is important for those individuals who are part of the social support network addressing the needs of the elderly population to consider what understandings of well-being are in play in the way that they construct their practice and explore whether there is congruence between understandings of well-being held by health care practitioners and the clients with whom they deal. If the concept is not well understood and incongruence exists, then well-being may be an elusive goal of clinical practice. Health care professionals need to be clear about what well-being is, before they can effectively enable their clients to work toward it. Furthermore, given the increasing numbers of elder individuals, it is even more imperative to understand what well-being is for older people.45(p52)




1. Kiefer RA. An integrative review of the concept of well-being. Holist Nurs Pract. 2008; 22(5):244-252.