
  1. Section Editor(s): Angelini, Diane J. EdD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, NEA-BC
  2. Perinatal Senior Editor
  3. Bakewell-Sachs, Susan PhD, RN, PNP-BC
  4. Neonatal Editor

Article Content

The 24:4 issue of the Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing (JPNN) will cover selected topics of interest to the readership. This issue is the last before the 25:1 Anniversary Year for JPNN. We look forward to the next year and hope that the topics will be worthy of an anniversary year celebration. The 25:2 issue will represent the specific Anniversary Issue for the journal.


In this particular issue, Arafeh, Hansen, and Nichols present debriefing in simulation. Debriefing often receives little attention in the literature. The focus of this article is on debriefing as it relates to simulation-based learning. Guidelines and strategies for debriefing, as well as the evaluation of the role of the debriefer, are discussed.


Wilson and Blegen, in their article, "Labor and Delivery Nurse Staffing as a Cost-Effective Safety Intervention," discuss nurse staffing and its potential on nurse-sensitive outcomes. A model is proposed to investigate the influence of nurse staffing on adverse obstetric events using Donabedian's framework of structure, process, and outcomes.


Breast-feeding knowledge of pregnant women and partners in Finland is the topic by Laantera, Pietila, and Polkki. The purpose of this 2009 research study was to describe breast-feeding knowledge of childbearing families in Finland and its many variables using a Web-based survey tool. The survey identified the areas of knowledge deficit for parents and discusses appropriate interventions and improvements.


Marecki and Young Seo discuss urinary and fecal incontinence during the perinatal period. They look at the prevention, identification, and management of urinary and fecal incontinence. These are common concerns affecting women throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Intervention strategies are noted.


The neonatal section of this issue offers clinical and research articles on relevant neonatal nursing topics.


Griffin offers the CE article on bedside change-of-shift report. The context for this is a patient- and family-centered approach that facilitates communication and engagement with families as partners in care rather than visitors.


Murphy-Oikonen et al., report on a study that analyzed consistency in using a standardized newborn toxicology screening protocol to identify newborns at risk of developing neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). The authors advocate for the use of toxicology screening to facilitate early identification and treatment of exposed newborns.


Pickler and colleagues describe their new model of neurodevelopmental risk and protection that the authors believe may explain some of the relationships among biobehavioral risks, environmental risks, and caregiving behaviors that potentially contribute to neurobehavioral and cognitive outcomes. The model may support NICU interventions that can offer neuroprotection and the potential to effect long-term developmental outcomes.


Korhonen describes an evidence-based practice quality improvement project from Finland. The project purpose was to evaluate catheter-related care practices among five neonatal intensive care units. The project was part of a larger multi-centered, multi-professional study aimed at decreasing the incidence of catheter-related sepsis among preterm infants. The paper describes the initial phase that evaluated current protocols and practices and uncovered a range of practice variations.


-Diane J. Angelini, EdD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, NEA-BC


Perinatal Senior Editor


-Susan Bakewell-Sachs, PhD, RN, PNP-BC


Neonatal Editor