
  1. Ribeiro, Arthur M. P. BS
  2. Gomes, Matheus M. MS
  3. Rosa, Rodrigo C. PhD
  4. de Abreu, Daniela C. Carvalho PhD


To evaluate whether a history of falls is directly related to the quadriceps muscular function and body sway, 26 elderly women were divided on the basis of the presence or absence of a history of falls. Evaluation of muscular power and anteroposterior and mediolateral displacements of center of pressure during consecutive stand and sit 5 times were performed. Fallers exhibited higher mediolateral displacement than nonfallers. No differences were observed for quadriceps power and for sit-to-stand time between groups (P < .05). The fall history was not related to the quadriceps muscular function or to the anteroposterior displacement during sit to stand.