
  1. Ozdemir, Ozlem Cinar MSc, PT
  2. Bakar, Bakar PhD, PT
  3. Ankarali, Handan MD


Chronic venous insufficiency is a common progressive disease. Although chronic venous insufficiency is common in general population, its incidence increases with aging and, as a result, the quality of life (QOL) is affected negatively. There are 2 ways to assess QOL in venous diseases: generic and disease-specific surveys. The 36-Item Short Form Health Survey and the Nottingham Health Profile are widely used generic surveys. Disease-specific surveys are popular for studying venous diseases and have a high sensitivity. The Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire, the Venous Insufficiency Epidemiological and Economic Study Quality of Life/Symptoms (VEINES-QOL/Sym), the Aberdeen Varicose Vein Questionnaire, and the Charing Cross Venous Ulceration Questionnaire are such tools. This study aimed to explore the correlation between the Nottingham Health Profile and VEINES-QOL scales in older adults. This article provided the first empirical, qualitative evidence on the relationship between the Nottingham Health Profile and VEINES-QOL instruments in elderly patients with chronic venous insufficiency.