
  1. Huffman, Daphne BSN, RN, CPN, CTL
  2. Withheld, Name
  3. Heard, Anne RN
  4. Loomis, Stacey SN

Article Content

Keeping up appearances

I'd like to respond to "Nurses and Body Art: What's Your Perception?" (June, 2012).* I believe that body art is becoming more accepted by the general public, patients, and families, and that any perception of it as unprofessional can be overcome by good grooming, caring and kindness, proper attention to the patient, and professional actions in general. In my opinion, other habits make nurses look more unprofessional, such as dirty or messy hair, wrinkled clothing, long nails, the use of cell phones in patient areas, and the odor of nicotine on someone's breath or clothing.

Figure. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. No caption available.

Ah, the good old days

Because I graduated from a hospital-based nursing school in the early 1960s, your recent editorial about nursing in the past brought a smile to my face. ("A Tribute to Those Who Paved the Way," February 2013.*) In the days before disposable syringes, penicillin frequently got stuck in the glass syringes! Our wards also contained 40 beds, and as students, we had evening and night "experience" under supervision. We truly didn't need orientation on graduation, we'd already done it all!


Renewed readership

I've recently reactivated my subscription to your wonderful journal after a period when I received a U.K. nursing journal. What a joy to once again have a clinically focused journal in my mailbox! As an Australian RN with 15 years in emergency nursing, I crave such stimulating and educational articles even though our health systems are so different. Rather than distract with political and activist notions found in the U.K. journal, yours provides worthwhile clinical updates with the added bonus of ethical discussions.


Regardless of experience, I think that all nurses will benefit from a monthly time-out to read your journal from cover to cover.


Inspiring patient care

As an upcoming new grad, I was truly inspired by "A Christmas Story" (December, 2012).* In nursing school, we learn all about advocating for our patients and the textbook way of implementing care. But once we're on the unit, it's disheartening to see some nurses forgetting to perform these basic duties.


Please continue to publish these types of stories so nurses remember what nursing's all about through the wisdom and experience of others.




Roanoke, Va.






Queensland, Australia




Salisbury, Md.


* Individual subscribers can access articles free online at [Context Link]