
  1. Dotson, Michael J. PhD
  2. Dave, Dinesh S. PhD
  3. Cazier, Joseph A. PhD
  4. Spaulding, Trent J. PhD


OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the effects of stress, economic factors, altruism, and value congruence on intentions to leave jobs and the nursing profession.


BACKGROUND: Retaining nurses will be critical for healthcare organizations as the demand for nurses increases. Regulation and cost pressures are changing the nursing work environment.


METHODS: We surveyed 861 RNs in the southeastern United States. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the survey.


RESULTS: Results confirm the importance of stress and salaries and underscore the impact of both value congruence and altruism. Evidence shows a correlation between altruistic desires and intentions to leave the profession.


CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to retain nurses should include matching nurse and organizational values. Initiatives need to be undertaken to increase professional autonomy and provide opportunities for the expression of altruism. Further research is indicated to investigate the unexpected result that highly altruistic nurses are leaving the profession.