
  1. Macauley, Karen DHA, MEd, BSN, RN, CEN

Article Content

We are thrilled that you have accessed the Society of Trauma Nurses' (STN) journal online. It is such an excellent way to stay up to date on what is new in trauma. Your journal is an important part of your membership. Remember that this is your journal and we care what you think, how you use the journal, and what you need to see in the journal.


Not all that long ago, your membership representatives, board members, and journal team met to talk about what the journal is, what it means, and how it needs to grow in the future. The Journal of Trauma Nursing strives to provide up-to-date articles that are relevant to your practice and need for knowledge, reflective of best practices, evidence-based interventions, and new research so that you can stay current and make informed decisions within your own trauma program.


One of the discussions surrounding the journal is related to authors and use of research data. We recognize that writing and getting published is often overwhelming, and many of us may feel stressed by the idea of writing for publication. We also recognize that it can be hard to know how to truly evaluate the research presented and apply it to practice.


We want you to write for the journal, but it may seem daunting to consider authoring an article. You do not need to be a PhD to write an article and become published. Have you ever studied a topic, reviewed literature, searched and evaluated evidence so that you were able to make changes in your practice that have improved the outcomes of your trauma patients? It is important to publish such projects so that others can use the information to put into practice and improve outcomes for their own patients. Did you try someone else's interventions? Was your outcome the same or different? Why or why not? Tell us about it so we know whether what works in one organization or demographic actually works in another.


Do you have an interesting case study? Is it something unique or uncommon? Tell us about it so we can learn about something we may not often encounter but need to recognize when we do see it. Research is imperative, but so are these other contributions. Our Journal of Trauma Nursing editor, liaison, and editorial board members are available to assist you. Do you just have an idea but are not totally sure where to go with it? Just ask-these team members are here to help you succeed and see your name in print. Publishing is not only an important professional goal and milestone but also imperative for the trauma system to grow and improve.


What to do with research? How do I know whether it was done correctly? How can I be sure their conclusions are actually correct and should be used to change practice? There are many tools available to assist you in reading and interpreting research. Use these tools to assist you to determine the validity and reliability of what you are reading. These tools can assist you to determine how you might use the data and conclusions.


The journal is just one (important) resource available to you as a member of the STN. There are several different classes that assist us to understand the complex trauma system and to use our resources to improve patient and family outcomes. OPTIMAL and TOPIC Courses provide trauma leadership with implementable tools to make your program more efficient and effective. The e-library provides educational opportunities for staff nurses to improve bedsides care of the trauma patient, which in turn improves patient outcomes. The SLIP program helps prevent injuries, which prevents morbidity and mortality. The list serve shares best practices and prevents rework when you can find out what works in another similar environment. The website is a wealth of information at your fingertips.


The STN has many collaborative relationships with other organizations whose mission is to improve trauma care across the continuum. These relationships have brought depth to our credibility and show the true need and nature of teamwork to accomplish the final mission of the most current best practice care so as to make the lives of our trauma patients and families the best they can be. And your contribution to your profession is appreciated. You really make a difference every day in what you do. We look forward to continuing to serve you and being your "go to" place for the most current information on trauma care and trauma systems.