
  1. Alexander, Mary MA, RN, CRNI(R), CAE, FAAN

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Two thousand sixteen has been an active and productive year for the Infusion Nurses Society (INS) and the Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation (INCC)-a year of innovation and program development as we worked to expand and enhance established initiatives and create new resources to support you and your infusion practice.

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2016 began with the much-anticipated publication of the revised Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice. With a new title and substantial revisions and updates, the Standards has been received with worldwide interest, which recognizes its importance to patient safety and positive outcomes when applied to clinical practice. While there continues to be a need for more evidence to support the science of infusion therapy, the Standards reflects the most current research at the time of its publication.


We also revised an array of INS educational materials so that they align with the 2016 Standards, including some of the cornerstones of your infusion library: Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy, 5th edition; Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy of the Older Adult, 3rd edition; and Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Neonate to Adolescent, as well as INS' card-deck series.


In addition to these essential educational materials, INS established workgroups and developed position papers to address key clinical issues as they emerged. During the past year, INS formed the Vesicant Task Force with the goal of developing an evidence-based list of noncytotoxic vesicant drugs and solutions, as well as a clinical practice tool that outlines risk-reduction strategies, including early recognition of signs and symptoms of extravasation. Look for the task force's "Development of an Evidence-Based List of Noncytotoxic Vesicant Medications and Solutions" in the January/February 2017 edition of the Journal and online in the INS LEARNING CENTER at


We also addressed scope of practice issues, including the revised role of unlicensed assistive personnel in infusion therapy (read our revised position paper in the INS LEARNING CENTER at and supported the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' proposal to allow advanced practice registered nurses to practice "to the full extent of their education and training"1 without the clinical supervision of physicians.


Quality education remains at the core of our mission. And during the past year, we provided programs that addressed timely clinical topics and advances in technology, using multiple platforms to meet the learning styles and needs of our members-from face-to-face meetings to webinars, podcasts, and virtual meetings. As part of our continuous assessment of and innovation in the education we provide, we decided INS 2016 would be our final 6-day meeting. Moving forward, INS will offer the same quality education and meeting experience over 4 days. With the addition of live streaming, which we offered for the first time at INS 2016, we will be able to open the experience to many infusion nurses who might otherwise be unable to attend.


INS is committed to infusion research, which forms the foundation of an evidence-based specialty. INS' Research Committee assesses and refines the Society's research priorities and provides resources for novice and experienced researchers. Each year, the Gardner Foundation awards more than 19 scholarships and grants to researchers in our specialty, and recipients are honored at our Annual Meeting. INS currently is partnering with Purdue University in a survey of INS members to determine how the delegation of infusion practice has an impact on outcomes and cost of care. And we support scholarships through the American Nurses Foundation, the research, education, and charitable affiliate of the American Nurses Association, and the National Student Nurses Association.


Last but not least, INCC continues to strengthen the CRNI(R) certification program by ensuring it administers a comprehensive program through test administration and program accreditation. The 2016 debut of CRNI(R) Academy, a comprehensive and effective online exam prep tool that offers users the ability to create a personalized study plan, was a leap forward in providing support and guidance to nurses studying for the examination. And the addition of attendance at INS virtual meetings as a means to obtain recertification units will also support nurses who strive for excellence through maintaining the CRNI(R) certification.


As I reflect on the successes of this past year, I'm grateful for the insight and vision of the INS and INCC boards of directors to grow and advance the organizations, member feedback and participation, relationships with like-minded health care associations, our global connections, and support from our industry partners. Now it's time to recharge and commit to another year.


Mary Alexander




1. Federal Register. Advanced practice registered nurses. Published May 25, 2016. Accessed September 18, 2016. [Context Link]