
  1. Czuhajewski, Stephanie Beth BS

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Spring 2017 marks the 20th Annual Society of Trauma Nurses Conference, now known as TraumaCon, which will be held April 5-8, at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis, MO.


The STN conference has experienced tremendous growth since its inception in 1998, when 50 attendees came together in Las Vegas, NV, just prior to the Trauma and Critical Care Conference. Those innovative trauma nursing thought leaders laid the foundation for STN's success over the next two decades. Thanks to them, and the nurse leaders who followed, we anticipate that more than 600 trauma nurses will attend STN's TraumaCon 2017. On behalf of STN and its board of directors, I invite you to become part of the next generation of thought leaders who will meet at this one-of-a-kind conference and take trauma nursing to the next level!


TraumaCon will feature a wide range of clinical and leadership topics for trauma nurses in every work setting. Featured sessions include Training to Treatment, What the COT Is Doing for You, Analyzing Bleeding With TEG, and The Impact of Legislative Actions on Your Trauma Center.


In addition to the robust educational programming, TraumaCon will also feature unprecedented member engagement opportunities through Special Interest Group and Committee meetings, as well as poster viewing (for CE) and networking events with colleagues and industry partners in the exhibit hall. Please check the schedule at for more information and to register.


During TraumaCon 2017, STN will announce the recipient(s) of its inaugural research grant funding program, designed to support nurses who strive to continually evaluate and improve the practice of trauma nursing and intend to change the practice of trauma nursing based on evidence. Funding research and evidence-based practice projects is a part of the mission and strategic plan of STN, with a goal to positively impact the care and treatment of trauma patients.


STN also is pleased to recognize the following nurse leaders who will be honored at TraumaCon:


STN Distinguished Lecturer: Amy Koestner, MSN, RN


Amy Koestner is the Trauma Program Manager at Spectrum Health, a Level I Trauma Center in Grand Rapids, MI. With 20 years in the role of trauma program manager, Ms. Koestner has been a valuable resource and tireless supporter of STN, volunteering in multiple capacities including serving as president of the organization in 2007. Her current involvement in STN includes participation as a faculty member for the Optimal Trauma Center Organization & Management Course, STN chair liaison to the Committee on Trauma, and nurse leader for the ACS-COT PIPS collaboration initiative. She is a nurse reviewer for state designation organizations and the American College of Surgeons VRC.


STN is honored to have Amy Koestner present the STN Distinguished Lectureship session, Achieving One Voice for Trauma Care, during TraumaCon 2017.


Clinical Excellence Award: Jonathan Messing, MSN, ACNP-BC, TCRN, CCRN


Jonathan Messing is a nurse practitioner with trauma services at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC. He is an active member of the STN-EAST Task Force for Advanced Practitioners and a proponent of strong PA-NP-MD collaborative efforts.


Jon has become the clinical cornerstone of our trauma program. In the short time that he has worked here, he has established himself as the authority on our trauma guidelines and operational processes. Short of operating by himself, he can independently and accurately evaluate, diagnose, and treat almost any patient. He led the way in drafting our guideline for evaluation of patients with potential blunt cerebrovascular injuries. He took it upon himself to create an onboarding process of all residents who rotate onto the trauma service monthly and quarterly. He serves as an educator in all interactions from family teaching to engaging bedside nurses. He takes on additional responsibility and leadership without asking for extra support or time and, importantly, without letting it interfere with the core functioning of the trauma center. He routinely goes well beyond daily tasks to truly demonstrate clinical excellence without any imperative to do so. His clinical excellence and acumen are reflected in the respect he receives from the attending physician staff and the support he lends to the resident and nurses at their request. (Babak Sarani, MD, FACS, Director, Center for Trauma & Critical Care at George Washington University Hospital)


Leadership Award: Pamela Bourg, PhD, RN, TCRN, FAEN


Dr. Pam Bourg currently serves as Director of the Trauma Program for Centura Health's Mountains North Denver Operating Group, a network encompassing St. Anthony Hospital, St. Anthony North Health Campus, St. Anthony Summit Medical Center, Longmont United Hospital, and Avista Adventist Hospital. Her active involvement as a health care manager spans more than 20 years and includes clinical, administrative, and educational experiences in progressive emergency settings for both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.


Dr. Bourg's dynamic contributions to trauma care are reflected in three vital roles: leader, educator and volunteer. Dr. Bourg's focused integration of clinical practice, education, research and advocacy has influenced colleagues, patients and community members in powerful ways. Dr. Bourg has been instrumental in the development of the trauma system in Colorado. She has been a tireless contributor to trauma care through education, whether it is in the hospital or on the side of a mountain. She is an advocate for patients and a mentor to young clinicians-ski patrol, EMS, nurses, and physicians, alike. To ensure physicians real world, comprehensive training in this demanding specialty, Dr. Bourg has established a unique Trauma Residency Program. Moreover, she is responsible for the Trauma Quality Improvement and Registry Program; Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Program; and Injury Prevention Program. Her leadership character is evident by her approach to managing each of these programs and the success of professionals she leads. (Abigail Blackmore, RN, Trauma Program Manager, St. Anthony Hospital)


On behalf of STN, its board members, and staff, I would like to thank TraumaCon 2017 Conference Co-Chairs Roy Ball, MS, ACNP-BC, RN, CCNS, and Debra Kitchens, MBA, BSN, CEN, NRP-P, for their leadership and hard work to deliver an unrivaled educational forum for trauma nursing professionals.