The new year brings with it both opportunities and transitions. As the Journal for Nurses in Professional Development (JNPD) Co-Editors, the past 5 years have been filled with mentoring new authors, publishing nursing professional development research articles and innovative projects, collaborating with experts on the JNPD Editorial Board, listening to peer reviewers, and meeting and receiving feedback from our readers. Working along with the talented Lippincott publishing team, we have seen the JNPD website readership activity, citations, and social media presence increase. We have received hundreds of exceptional papers and hope that submissions continue at this pace. We have added new columns and features while retiring others to reflect the growth and changes in NPD. The voice of JNPD is influencing nursing practice both across the country and internationally!
We have learned a great deal in this role and hope that our work at JNPD has helped you and your colleagues learn and grow in your practice as well. As we end our tenure as Co-Editors, we know we are leaving the Journal in great hands with Kathleen G. Burke, PhD, RN, CENP, FAAN expertise and experience. As readers, you can count on the continued publication of high-quality nursing professional development research and evidence, columns with practical application, and a lively website with resources to advance our specialty. It has been an honor to serve as your JNPD Co-Editors and to represent this important journal and fast-growing nursing specialty. We look forward to seeing what the future holds as NPD gains momentum and influence. Thank you for your valuable contributions, interest, and support. Happy reading, and we wish you all the best.