
  1. Kaminsky, Lenny PhD, FAACVPR, FACSM, FAHA
  2. Editor-in-Chief

Article Content

Greetings. The year 2020 brings Volume 40 of the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention (JCRP). We will have a number of special activities this year to celebrate the 40th anniversary of JCRP. These will include a 3-part series of Invited Commentaries to overview where we have been (the past), where we are (the present), and a glimpse of where we are heading (the future) in each of the 3 principle areas of focus for JCRP: Cardiac Rehabilitation, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, and Prevention. In this first issue of 2020 you will find the Invited Commentary related to Cardiac Rehabilitation.1 This was authored by all of the former Editors-in-Chief of JCRP, with the exception of our deceased colleague and co-founder of JCRP, Mike Pollock. I am sure you will both enjoy and find interesting the perspectives this group provided in authoring this Commentary. I want to thank Vic Froelicher, Kathy Berra, Barry Franklin, Phil Ades, Gary Balady, Mark Williams, and Larry Hamm for agreeing to contribute to this manuscript and especially want to recognize Phil Ades for his work in leading the group and getting the final manuscript edited and completed.

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You can look forward to seeing the second and third commentaries in subsequent issues. The writing group for the second Commentary on Pulmonary Rehabilitation is being led by Brian Carlin, a long-time Associate Editor of JCRP. The third issue of 2020 will feature the Commentary on Prevention, with a writing group under the direction of former JCRP Editor-in-Chief Barry Franklin.


Each issue of Volume 40 of JCRP will also feature Invited Reviews and other Invited Commentaries on topics related to each of our core areas (Cardiac Rehabilitation, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, and Prevention). I want to recognize and thank JCRP Editorial Board Members Dan Forman, Chip Lavie, and Jon Myers for their contributions as part of the writing groups for 3 of these Invited Reviews and to JCRP Associate Editor Jerry Fleg for his contributions for an Invited Commentary. These will all be excellent and impactful papers for our JCRP readership, and all those that value continuing to grow the evidence base for the importance of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, and Prevention. I'll share more information at a later date about some sessions related to JCRP at next year's American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Annual Meeting that will take place September 30-October 3, 2020 in West Palm Beach, Florida.


In this issue of JCRP you will also find an excellent review on the value of Cardiac Rehabilitation for patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFPEF)2 and interesting reports from separate studies that investigated the role of the increasingly popular high intensity interval training (HIIT) programs applied in 2 different settings.3,4 Additionally, you will find reports on studies with patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), cardiac syndrome X, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and congenital heart disease.


JCRP was the first, and remains the only, professional journal dedicated to improving multidisciplinary clinical practice and expanding research evidence specific to both cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation. I am sure you will find the information provided in this issue to be useful in your work with patients in your rehabilitative programs, your research, and your prevention programs.


Lenny Kaminsky, PhD, FAACVPR, FACSM, FAHA




Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention




1. Ades P, Balady GJ, Berra K, et al The Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention at 40 years and its role in the evolution of cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev. 2020;40(1):2-8. [Context Link]


2. Tucker WJ, Angadi SS, Hawkowsky MJ, et al Pathophysiology of exercise intolerance and its treatment with exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a review. J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev. 2020;40(1):9-16. [Context Link]


3. Christle JW, Knapp S, Geisberger M, et al Interval endurance and resistance training as part of a community-based secondary prevention program for patients with diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease. J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev. 2020;40(1):17-23. [Context Link]


4. Maldonado-Martin S, Brubaker PH, Ozemek C, et al Low-volume high-intensity aerobic interval training as efficient program to improve cardiorespiratory fitness after myocardial infarction: pilot study from the INTERFARCT Project. J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev. 2020;40(1):48-54. [Context Link]