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USE THE FOLLOWING websites to teach patients about treatment options and quality-of-life resources for girls and women with endometriosis.


This important resource is an international collaboration of healthcare providers, researchers, patients, and others. It focuses on how to diagnose and manage endometriosis. The website includes sections that cover medical and surgical treatment options as well as resources for coping and support. Under the resources tab, articles, clinical textbooks, self-help books, and research information are available for patients and professionals.


The Endometriosis Association (EA)


The EA focuses on education and outreach to help meet its goal of preventing endometriosis and finding a cure. For patients looking for information and support, EA supplies a free information packet, resources for teens and women with endometriosis, multilingual brochures, and a discussion of endometriosis myths and facts.


Endometriosis Foundation of America (EFA)


The EFA's site provides patients with information on how to talk with their primary care provider about endometriosis and answers frequently asked questions. In the site's "Endometriosis Stories" section, patients share personal experiences with the aim of "squashing the silence" surrounding endometriosis. The EFA also promotes the ENPOWR (ENdometriosis: Promoting Outreach and Wide Recognition) Project, a school- and community-based endometriosis education program.


National Institutes of Health (NIH)


For a comprehensive overview of endometriosis, tell patients about this website from the NIH. Here they will find a breakdown that covers risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. A section on research information summarizes current endometriosis research as well as goals for future research. The NIH also provides access to outside resources for patients and healthcare providers, such as national and international research organizations.