
  1. Kidd, Heather PhD, RN
  2. Rankin, Samantha MBA, RN
  3. Gillman, Lucia PhD, RN


Background: Although auditing is embedded into clinical culture, data collection tends to be retrospective, requires expertise, and is time consuming.


Local Problem: Clinical audit data are needed in real time to manage patient safety issues.


Methods: An iterative approach was undertaken to develop the electronic audit tool with a cross-sectional survey used for evaluation.


Interventions: The Combined Bedside and Risk Assessment (CoBRA) audit tool captures patient safety risk and compliance such as falls, pressure injuries, and infections.


Results: More than 17 956 safety audits were collected on randomly selected inpatients. Monthly audits completion average is 96% (n = 614). Patient safety risk mitigation is available in real time. Stakeholders stated that the CoBRA tool was useful in educating patients on risks (n = 141; 78.3%), improved patient care (n = 120; 67.4%), and prompted staff to modify patient care based on CoBRA findings (n = 98; 54%).


Conclusions: The electronic CoBRA process facilitates patient safety risk mitigation and data transparency.