Article Content

In the above article (Barnett et al, 2022), published in the March issue of JAANP (Volume 34, Issue 3), there were two errors in the abstract.


The Objectives section should read:


The objective was to address concerns about NP-led care by examining evidence regarding patient safety, clinical outcomes, cost, and patient satisfaction that reflect on the ability of NPs to provide high-quality care within the primary care setting and to compare their ability with standard models of care led by physicians.


The Conclusions section should read:


A total of 11 articles met the criteria and reveal that NPs provide equal or better quality of care for all outcomes when compared with their physician colleagues.


The publisher continues to make every effort to avoid copy editing errors.




Barnett M., Balkissoon C., Sandhu J. (2022). The level of quality care nurse practitioners provide compared with their physician colleagues in the primary care setting: A systematic review. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 34, 457-464. [Context Link]