
  1. Davlyatov, Ganisher PhD
  2. Hiller, Sidney MHA
  3. Cendoma, Philip MHA
  4. Borkowski, Nancy DBA, FACHE, FHFMA


States' decisions to expand Medicaid eligibility would make most low-income uninsured people eligible for Medicaid, while also increasing the financial viability of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) by reducing their grant to total revenue ratios. We extracted a national sample of 729 FQHCs for the period 2009 to 2018. The dependent variable was grant to revenue ratio and the independent variable was the states' Medicaid expansion status. FQHCs operating in Medicaid expansion states had lower grant ratios during the postexpansion period. As past decades' funding volatilities have shown, overreliance on one revenue source may increase financial risk. Medicaid expansion can support FQHCs by improving their long-term financial sustainability.