
  1. Hoffman, Debra MSN, RN, CGRN

Article Content

We all know that we give histamine-2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors for GERD, but what the heck is a proton pump? What is a histamine-2 receptor? What antibiotics are used in the treatment of H. pylori, and why and how do they work? In this course, we will look briefly at the pathophysiology of GERD and PUD, and then discuss the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs used to treat these diseases at the cellular level. We will discuss how different classes of drugs work and why one is chosen over another.


Humans all over the world also have been using herbs to treat GI complaints (from heartburn to indigestion to gall stones to nausea) for thousands of years. Are herbal treatments effective? Are they safe? In this course, we will also look at some of the most common GI complaints and traditional herbal treatment. We will discuss the efficacy and safety of herbal products (based on both empiric practice and formal research), and how herbal treatment can be complimentary to traditional Western medical treatment.


Section Description

We are pleased to present the abstracts from SGNA's 34th Annual Course, Charting a Course for Professional Growth. The diversity of these topics certainly reflects the richness and breadth of our specialty. In keeping with the tradition of the Annual Course, we hope the following abstracts will encourage discussions for improving nursing practice and patient care outcomes.